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Empowering Communities Artfully & Heartfully

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SekaiDonna are citizens of the world working towards a better world. We are a diverse and inclusive international group which creates, facilitates and promotes programs & initiatives supporting our ecosystem and the livelihood of communities in the developing world. 
Our representatives reside in the countries where the projects take place and work closely with all the stakeholders and community groups to achieve a common goal.
We work with members of the community, businesses and organizations that share our values and facilitate the use of best practices,  sharing of knowledge, resources and expertise bringing solutions to pressing issues.
We support environmental and conservation groups, disadvantaged communities, small scale farmers, artisan communities and work with social entrepreneurs, NGOs and businesses in areas that include: agro-ecology, education, eco-cultural innovation,  eco-tourism & hospitality, sustainability, fair trade, human rights, arts & culture.
 Join us as our friend or partner to share your passion and get involved in our activities and programs that empower communities across borders heartfully and artfully!!. 


Our vision is to see underprivileged communities thrive! For this we work with experts, social innovators, NGOs, businesses and passionate individuals engaging the community into positive action and empowering them with all the necessary resources and knowledge towards successful outcomes.


Our programs and initiatives are designed to facilitate full & fair engagement and commitment by all stakeholders and help  promote  sustainable solutions  to problems faced and identified by community groups seeking for support .  




Girl with Arms Stretched Out

Do you want a better world?

Be brave enough to care! 




Our philosophy is to "grow united and be sustainable"! There has never been a better time to connect the world and therefore unite. So how can we make better use of the areas that unite us? By using our collective imagination, joining our unique talents, co-creating and celebrating our human potential. We can start combining and utilising the many areas we all share in common and have a love for. Through our projects and initiatives we bring communities together to celebrate human potential and achievement – we need more of that in all areas and now is the right time to act!!



ABOUT SekaiDonna

What's in the name?What's behind the name SekaiDona:

"Sekai" means "World"  in Japanese. "Donna" means "Woman" in Latin. "Don" is a title given to men in Latin. Therefore SekaiDonna represents women and men of the world coming together for a better world! 


The value we create:


We create social value by developing initiatives and managing/facilitating projects with particular focus in the areas of: Sustainability, Gender Equality, Innovation, Human Rights, Fair Trade, Conservation, Wellbeing & Education. 


We bring together experts, game changers and passionate individuals who break barriers and focus on resolving social, cultural and environmental issues.


With collaboration from our partners, friends and local community members we work together to discover and implement long term solutions to pressing problems that affect the community.


Sunflower Field

Individually we can each make a difference. Collectively we can change the world!   




Our world is facing many social upheavals and nations, communities and people are being hurt and  divided.  Large organizations dealing with these issues face a lot of bureaucracy so it's often hard for them to address issues quickly and effectively.  At the same time industries have taken control of our own lives for the sake of their own profit.


For this reason we invite you to join us and help us build a strong network and the resources to help communities directly.  The time to do this has never been better as the  world is is facing a pandemic that has shattered the lives of many .

Together at the Top

"Everything now, we must assume is in our own hands. We have no right to assume otherwise" James Baldwin




Our team works together with our country representatives to develop new initiatives that will benefit the local community. Community development typically requires four elements:

• Attention to the needs and desires of the people involved and to the areas where they live and work

• Control by community members, who become active participants

• The concept of self-help, which is vitally important to the community development process

• A holistic view of the community, in which groups take into account one another’s goals and actions as opposed to operating as if each were in a vacuum



With collaboration from our partners we develop projects that meet specific goals based on our agreed initiatives. We provide consultancy and various types of support based on a simple formula: PEOPLE + PLAN + PROCESS = SUCCESSFUL PROJECT




Introducing special training and support programs that create awareness, empower and engage local communities into positive action.  This includes; establishing new training facilities, setting up outreach and awareness programs, gathering resources and funding for schools, libraries and cultural centers.






Cultural seminars & mini exhibitions:

We will be introducing our countries’ cultures through music and art as well as products representative of our countries.


Global awareness & inspiring talks:

We will be inviting prominent speakers to talk about subjects and new initiatives in areas we focus on, i.e. Sustainability, Conservation, Diversity, Equality, Wellbeing & Education.  



We will be organising visits to the areas where our projects reside, including experiences and adventures to parks and even safari lodges promoting local culture and giving the opportunity for our members to actively participate in our projects & initiatives.







CONTACT SekaiDonna

Do you want to be our member, partner or friend? Join our free mailing list today and be a part of the change! 

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